Summary of DimaDK02


Hi there!

My nickname's DimaDK02.

My photo

BTW, you can find me in almost all social networks using this nickname. E.g., VK, Telegram, Instagram, FB and of course GitHub.

Recently I created a profile on LinkedIn.

If you prefer old-school messaging, get in touch with me through e-mail.


I'm 18 y.o. and I passionate about programming since childhood. Seriously, I wanted to become a programmer since about 7 yo.

I started learning to code at 11 years. My first language was Pascal. Then I learned the basics of HTML. I made a few programmes in Delphi just for myself. Had a small experience with C++.

Next, I got interested in web programming and started learning HTML5, CSS3, and PHP. Made simple web app for myself. It just gave me a code number for its id. Then improved it, so it was done through the database.

Then I started learning Python. I liked this language for nice and simple syntax. Rewrote codes app in Django with small jQuery inserts. It was almost a year ago, so the code is pretty old. There are even database credentials in VCS. Now I never commit auth data and use env files instead.

Also at this time, I completed Russian and English typing courses on BTW, it's an amazing app for learning touch typing.

I made a few small apps with Python/requests/Django, VK API. Built Reposter. It's a much more recent freelance project for automation reposts in many groups in VK. Register and look at sources on BitBucket. It was difficult to deploy it on VPS, but I did it and got a great experience.

Also, I made an app for managing proposed posts of VK groups. Now it is a bit old but made using flexbox and CSS-grid. Have a look at CSS.

Then I started learning JS in deep. Learned ES6. Promises were much better than a callback hell with jQuery, which was in my old project described above.

Made another web app on more modern JS, without any framework, but with webpack. But for now, it's a bit old as well: there are just many functions in a file, which is a thousand lines long, what lead to spaghetti code.

At this summer I take the course at ITranstion. The best part of it was Clean Code. It was an amazing experience. I read an entire book by Robert C. Martin in English. The most useful parts of it for me was:

  • Naming
  • Small functions
  • Single Responsibility Principle
  • and for sure TDD

TDD is amazing. I partly used it in recent projects and it is amazing. It gives the confidence to refactoring.

The most recent my project is calculator of car service. It's VK App. It is ReactJS web app integrated into VK. I made the only frontend. It was a cool experience with React. Have a look at app and at sources. Keep in mind, that it needs backend API, which is available only in production, so all API requests will fail in a dev environment.

Also for all my recent projects, I use Sentry for catching errors.

I love web development and want to make great web apps with JavaScript.


  • Git
  • Python/Django
  • JS ECMAScript 2017
  • ReactJS (still learning)
  • Jest (the same)
  • Know Linux and deployed once on it, but I'm not really good at it
  • Use Putty and Pageant for secure connecting through private keys.
  • Work in WebStorm.

I'm not bad at all this stuff, but still learning it.

Code samples

Projects are described above in the story.

Links to them:

Code experience

Is well described in my story above.


English experience

I was on English courses in IH for 4-5 years. I ended up with an Intermediate certificate in 2014. I easily read English documentation and the best Q&A site: StackOverflow without translation. Also, I read posts about programming on without efforts.

Just because English content is the best.

Also, I chat in English (through text and voice) with guys from Poland, Egypt, Indonesian, UK, and the USA. I can speak about not difficult topics and understand others person speech.

Now I'm Pre-Intermediate — Intermediate level in English.